We believe in the power of free theatre to help transform society—and that everybody deserves to experience and participate in creative community. We are committed to presenting our theatrical wonders to the public free of charge.
However, the scale of these works is such that we depend on donations and in-kind services to make the performances possible. Please join us by contributing to this work. Your gift enables us to continue fostering Imaginative Culture in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
Tax-deductible donations for Lucia Neare’s Theatrical Wonders may be made through 4Culture, a nonprofit public corporation providing cultural programs and a financial supporter of the artist’s work.
We are grateful to have received support from the following organizations:
Thank you to all our photographers:
John Small, Yoshiki Nakamura, Michael Doucett, Christopher Nelson, Ed Peterson, Robin Kurtz,
Orhun Uygur, Stuart Updegrave, Noah Barfiel, Nate, Jeff Ng, Brian Parks, Mary Witter, Jackie Kingsbury, Yukari Isa,
Omar Ramos, Adam Weintraub, Casey Sails, Jenny Crooks, Kevin Kennedy, Chris Yetter, Seattle Digital Photography,
Sabina Burd, Silas Chu, iIya Butenko, Jessica Rubenacker, James Mc Daniel
Jens Wazel
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Copyright © 2019 Lucia Neare